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I can’t proceed from the headset check.

The troubleshooting for this is identical to the guide in. Please click on the link to go to the guide.

  1. Check the wear on all of your electrodes and replace any that have cracks or chips that reveal black through the silverĀ coating. More instruction on this here: Sensors losing connection
  2. With the Axon app open and your headset status showing as connected (shown in the header bar), check your headset battery (next to the connection status) to see if it is low. Always replace your battery if it is red. Sometimes, even if it is showing as yellow, it may drop to red during your session, so keep an eye and be ready to replace it.
  3. Ensure you are applying water to all of your electrodes, this improves the connection by increasing your skins conductance. It can help to do a session after a shower to help remove any products/oils from your hair and while your skin is slightly damp.
  4. Ensure that the electrodes behind your ears are away from your hairline and have no hair trapped underneath them. This can be difficult to feel on your own so it’s a good idea to have someone check for you. Clipping or tying long hair back will help with this step.
  5. Make sure each electrode is making good contact with your skin. You can do this by gently massaging the top electrodes into your scalp and, for the bottom electrodes, pushing on the earcups firmly to secure contact behind your ears.
  6. If you are finding the headset uncomfortable, you may not have the earcups adjusted to an appropriate size. You can increase or decrease the size of the headset by sliding the earcups along the side enclosures. A smaller size will generally help ensure a tight fit to improve electrode contact but too much may cause discomfort, it is up to you to discover what size works best for you.

To visually see these steps in action you can always revisit the getting started video below and have a read through the Instruction For Use:

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