Richard Little speaks with Dominic Bowden at Today FM’s WellBeings show


Our CEO, Richard Little, chatted with the host of Today FM’s WellBeings show, Dominic Bowden about the origins of Exsurgo, the science and technology behind Axon, the importance of utilising data when analysing patients results and what the future of Axon and Exsurgo looks like. 

Richard explains, “This is the driver for Exsurgo: that we’re living longer, we’ve survived things we’ve never survived before, we have expectations that are higher, so let’s use technology to try and drive efficiency into the system. To free up the clever clinicians to do what they do best.”

WellBeings is all about the science of feeling good. Every Saturday from 9.00-12.00pm, Dominic Bowden shares his experiences, speaks to experts from around the world, local legends and regular Kiwis to help people feel good and ultimately lead healthier and happier lives.

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